
What is this page? ----------------- On this page, you can support Yomo continuing to make all the freely available videos, live streams and other forms of online entertainment, by gifting Yomo "coffee money" directly. Such voluntary support is greatly appreciated but never required. It does not imply any specific service will be offered in return and there will not be any refund for any reason. It is purely a gesture of gratitude. If Yomo made you happy, throw some "coffee money". Yomo will most likely use this "coffee money" to buy dinner takeaway, so he can stream without starving and be happy with you! Donations didn't show up on stream? ----------------- When donating through Paypal, PayPal requires me to accept the payment before Ko-fi can register it. They let me know by email. Please let me know in chat if I didn't notice the email during streams. Alternatively, if you use card payment instead of Paypal. It goes through Stripe instead, costs me a slightly lower fee, and shouuuuld register instantly.

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